our services

Solar PV System Designing

This involves analyzing the energy needs, calculating the available sunlight, and determining the appropriate size and type of solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other components required for the system. The design process also includes considerations for the site layout, wiring, and safety measures to ensure efficient and safe operation of the solar system. Proper solar system designing can maximize energy production, reduce costs and help to achieve sustainable energy goals.

Solar PV Installation

It involves mounting and connecting solar panels to generate electricity from sunlight. This process includes determining the appropriate location for the solar panels based on factors such as sunlight availability, roof orientation, and shading. The installation process also involves connecting the panels to the batteries and an inverter, which converts the DC electricity produced by the panels into AC electricity that can be used by household appliances or fed back into the grid.

With our knowledge and expertise, we always practice proper and safe installations, to ensure safety and optimize energy production. A well-installed solar PV system provides clean, renewable energy for years to come, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to a more cleaner future.

Borehole Solar Pump Sizing and Installation

Looking for an efficient and sustainable solution to meet your water pumping needs? Consider borehole solar pump sizing and installation with SunPulse Energy. With this innovative system, sunlight is harnessed to power a submersible pump that draws water from underground sources such as wells or boreholes. Our team of experts will meticulously assess your water requirements, analyze the depth and yield of your borehole, and design a tailored solar pump system that maximizes efficiency and minimizes energy consumption. From pump selection and sizing to installation and maintenance, we provide a comprehensive service to ensure seamless integration and long-term reliability of your borehole solar pump system. Embrace the power of the sun and enjoy a cost-effective and eco-friendly solution for your water supply needs.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Every time, accumulated debris such as dust, pollen grains, bird poop and grime can block sunlight from reaching the solar cells, reducing the amount of electricity generated. The cleaning process typically involves using water and a mild detergent to gently wash the surface of the panels, followed by a thorough rinse to remove any soap residue. Cleaning methods may vary depending on the type of solar panels and the location of the installation. Regular cleaning can help to maintain optimal performance and prolong the lifespan of solar panels.

Why Sunpulse Energy

At Sunpulse Energy, we highly value Quality over quantity, Integrity, Safety, Transparency, Accountability & Sustainability. 

At the heart of our purpose and vision is our people. It’s our collective commitment to our values that drives us to deliver excellence, every time.

5 Years Experience

1 Hour Response